We worked on a number of social media videos for Jubilee Archive, run by Luca Wowcyzna, which highlighted various garments from the archive, available for hire.

Looks included items from Rick Owens, Comme des Garcons, Walter Van Beirendonck, KTZ, Undercover, Number (N)ine, Yasuyuki Ishii & more.

Editing: Premiere Pro

Graphics: After Effects

  • Within the month of the content being rolled out (9th Nov - 28th Nov) we saw a direct 4% increase in follower count (350 followers). In the 2 months after the content launched, the growth continued to a total increase of over 1000 follows.

  • The content was posted on both Instagram and TikTok, with the former garnering over 219k views and the latter racking up 44K views.

  • The total view time on the content racked up over 9 days of watch time, with 78% of impressions being from non-followers via recommendations.